State of the Browser 2024

@ 09:30 BST – 

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State of the Browser 2024

The 12th edition of State of the Browser, a yearly conference organised by London Web Standards. A one-day, single-track conference with widely varying talks about the modern web, accessibility, web standards and taking place once again at the beautiful Barbican!

This year you can decide to attend In-Person or Online.

Keep your eyes on the 2024 website for speaker announcements and more information.

Tickets are available on SotB2024 site.

As a way to enable more people to attend State of the Browser we are offering diversity tickets. Read more about what diversity tickets are here, and if that's you, apply by filling this Google form.

Visit the #Sotb2024 website for more details.

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You can purchase tickets from the website by going to the following URL: