
Here is a list of the speaker that have spoken at London web standards. Each speaker will have a link that links to their page which will have a list of their talks.

  • Adrian Roselli

    Adrian is a member of the W3C Web Platform Working Group, W3C Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group, and W3C Accessibility Task Force.

    He has written articles for trade journals, web sites, and participated as an author and editor on five web-related books. Back in 1998 he co-founded a software development consulting firm before leaving at the start of 2016 to start all over. At the start of 2017 he joined The Paciello Group. Some may recognize Adrian from his days helping to run evolt.org, one of the first communities for web developers. Adrian has been developing for the Web since 1993.

  • Charlotte Brown

    Charlotte Brown is a junior web designer currently attending University of Greenwich in their Masters' of Web Design academic course. Previously a student mentor at Christ Church University for Software Engineering and Ethics, she focused on supporting the ongoing campaign of Women in STEM & Industry.

  • Dave Letorey

    This is some content about Dave. Dave wears a lot of red hats and has a loud voice. When not writing code he can be found Dancing in a field. He works at Code Red Digital.

  • Dmitri Grabov

    Dmitri Grabov is a developer with 15 years experience. He has worked for the likes of Bank of America, Lloyds Bank, Sainsbury’s and many startups. Last year he packed in development to launch Constructor Labs, a school teaching the next generation of software developers. The course covers full-stack web development with JavaScript, React, Node, Postgres and much more.

  • Emma Axelsson

    Emma Axelsson works as an Interaction Designer at TPXimpact, a design consultancy, where she spends a lot of her time working with the GOV.UK Prototype Kit. In her spare time, you’ll usually find her playing chef in the kitchen or getting lost on a walk - even and especially if it’s only good weather for the ducks!

  • Melinda Seckington

    Melinda Seckington is a trainer and coach, working with engineering teams and leaders to improve their communication, management and collaboration skills. She previously was an engineering manager at companies such as the Wikimedia Foundation and FutureLearn, where she focused on creating great internal engineering cultures. She’s an international conference speaker and has spoken at over 50 conferences, covering topics from good management practices to becoming a better speaker.

  • Steve Workman

    Steve works for Maersk, a logistics supplier that moves 16% of the whole planet's goods. He is the leader of the front-end community at Maersk and looks after maersk.com, one of the largest e-commerce sites in the world. Many, many years ago, Steve helped to organise London Web Standards, and can't wait to see the team again.