Melinda Seckington

Melinda Seckington is a trainer and coach, working with engineering teams and leaders to improve their communication, management and collaboration skills. She previously was an engineering manager at companies such as the Wikimedia Foundation and FutureLearn, where she focused on creating great internal engineering cultures. She’s an international conference speaker and has spoken at over 50 conferences, covering topics from good management practices to becoming a better speaker.

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Level Up: Developing Developers

As video games have become more and more complex, game designers put way more time into creating environments where players are engaged and willing to put the time and effort into learning and mastering these skills.

As engineering leaders, we can learn a lot from how games are designed to make internal experiences better, since it’s a similar type of environment we want to create: an environment where people can learn and master skills. We should make it easier for developers to understand what options are available to them, allow them to make time for learning and provide structures and processes for them to develop the skills that they want and need for future roles.

This talk will look at how to use competencies and career development frameworks to help level up developers, what types of processes you can introduce to support personal development and how anyone in a product team should be using opportunities like these to get a better understanding of what skills they should focus on.