Mind your lang

The lang attribute exists in most pages across the web, though it seems most developers and user interface folks do not understand its impact. We’ll review how browsers put it to use and why you may not want to accept whatever the default value is from your framework / platform of choice. Its proper use has implications for visual design, accessibility, and internationalization & localization.

Adrian Roselli

Adrian is a member of the W3C Web Platform Working Group, W3C Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group, and W3C Accessibility Task Force.

He has written articles for trade journals, web sites, and participated as an author and editor on five web-related books. Back in 1998 he co-founded a software development consulting firm before leaving at the start of 2016 to start all over. At the start of 2017 he joined The Paciello Group. Some may recognize Adrian from his days helping to run evolt.org, one of the first communities for web developers. Adrian has been developing for the Web since 1993.
