Pay the Web forward

Everything on the Web must be free. But why?

In this presentation PPK challenges the idea of free, and introduces Web Monetization, a simple way of paying sites you like so that its owner can make a living. We'll likely also talk about other aspects of monetizing web sites, software projects, and other online endeavours.


PPK has been around web development for so long he's become part of the furniture. He used to run, the predecessor of MDN and caniuse. He is still very interested in CSS, and even runs a CSS conference.

Recently he figured out that, if Web Monetization had existed when he ran QuirksMode, he might have avoided burn-out - and made more money as well. That's why he joined the ILF to spread the Web Monetization word so that web developers PAY for what they consume and the creator of the next QuirksMode can make a living without ads or corporate sponsorships.
